Find out how much investment property you can afford right NOW!

Know exactly what you can afford before you start searching for an investment..

Congratulations! You're ready to buy an Investment Property.

Investment Property Purchase Loans without the Hassle!

Need financing options on investment property, or other real estate? Choosing a purchase loan product that matches your goals and making sure you get the best rate for your given scenario can feel like playing whack-a-mole.

We’re here to make the home loan process a whole lot easier, with tools and expertise that will help guide you along the way, starting with a FREE pre-approval letter request.

We’ll help you clearly see differences between loan programs, allowing you to choose the right one for you whether you’re a first-time home buyer or a seasoned investor.

The Investment Property Purchase Loan Process

Here’s how our home purchase loan process works:

  • Complete our simple mortgage pre-approval letter request
  • Receive options based on your unique criteria and scenario
  • Compare mortgage interest rates and terms
  • Choose the offer that best fits your needs

Do I Qualify for an Investment Property Mortgage?

Lenders in Ontario set certain eligibility criteria for investment property mortgages. Some lenders may not be willing to finance properties in certain areas or may have restrictions on the type of property they can finance. Credit score, income, down payment, and debt-to-income ratio are some factors to consider.

  • Fixed Rates
  • Variable Rate Mortgage (VRM)
  • Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM)
  • Conforming Loans
  • Jumbo & Super Jumbo Loans
  • Non-QM Mortgages
  • Stated Income Mortgages
  • Terms from 1 to 5 Years